Get Involved

Whether you're a fellow digital nomad, an American expat, or simply someone passionate about driving positive change, I invite you to join our mission. Learn how to make a difference and join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to positive change.

Join the Nomadic Activist Community

Interested in getting involved? Join the Nomadic Activist Community to connect with like-minded individuals and learn more about how you can turn your passion into action.

woman sitting on chair holding leaf
woman sitting on chair holding leaf

Take Action

Take action by exploring resources below for volunteer opportunities, activism, and ways to get involved in causes you care about. Whether it's the environment or social justice, find something meaningful and make a difference starting today

Want to Contribute?

Would you like to add something? Write an article for our website? Let us know! We are seeking people to contribute and help expand our list of resources, information, and opportunities.

This is a community-powered movement 💪🏼 We need all hands on deck to ensure the Nomadic Activist is the go-to platform where people can learn about how to take action and leverage their nomadic lifestyle for good.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers